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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Estado policial. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Gran Bretaña, estado policial (1)

Undercover soldiers 'killed unarmed civilians in Belfast'

Fuente: BBC

Soldiers from an undercover unit used by the British army in Northern Ireland killed unarmed civilians, former members have told BBC One's Panorama.
Speaking publicly for the first time, the ex-members of the Military Reaction Force (MRF), which was disbanded in 1973, said they had been tasked with "hunting down" IRA members in Belfast. The former soldiers said they believed the unit had saved many lives.The Ministry of Defence said it had referred the disclosures to police.

The details have emerged a day after Northern Ireland's attorney general, John Larkin, suggested ending any prosecutions over Troubles-related killings that took place before the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
Unnamed soldiers interviewed by Panorama

The soldiers appeared on Panorama on condition their identities were disguised The proposal has been criticised by groups representing relatives of victims. Panorama has been told the MRF consisted of about 40 men handpicked from across the British army.

Before it was disbanded 40 years ago, after 18 months, plain-clothes soldiers carried out round-the-clock patrols of west Belfast - the heartland of the IRA - in unmarked cars.

Three former members of the unit, who agreed to be interviewed on condition their identities were disguised, said they had posed as Belfast City Council road sweepers, dustmen and even "meths drinkers", carrying out surveillance from street gutters.

But surveillance was just one part of their work. One of the soldiers said they had also fired on suspected IRA members. He described their mission as "to draw out the IRA and to minimise their activities... if they needed shooting, they'd be shot".
For 15 years, Northern Ireland has been divided about how to deal with the legacy of three decades of conflict. The compromise has been the establishment of the Historical Enquiries Team, a group of former detectives, who are reviewing all deaths in Northern Ireland during the conflict, primarily to answer questions from their relatives.
But now the Northern Ireland attorney general has reignited the vexed issue of whether truth recovery through a virtual amnesty is preferable to prosecution.
John Larkin has called for an end to all prosecutions and inquiries in relation to Troubles-related killings. The disclosures by Panorama are bound to add to this debate.

The closest former MRF soldiers have previously come to breaking cover is as the pseudonymous authors of two semi-fictionalised paperbacks, one of whom has referred to the MRF as a "legalised death squad".
The factual account of the MRF may not be quite as colourful. Nonetheless, the evidence gleaned from seven former members, declassified files and witnesses, does point to a central truth - that MRF tactics did sometimes mirror the IRA's.


'Targets taken down'
Another former member of the unit said: "We never wore uniform - very few people knew what rank anyone was anyway. "We were hunting down hardcore baby-killers, terrorists, people that would kill you without even thinking about it."

A third former MRF soldier said: "If you had a player who was a well-known shooter who carried out quite a lot of assassinations... then he had to be taken out. "[They were] killers themselves, and they had no mercy for anybody."

In 1972 there were more than 10,600 shootings in Northern Ireland. It is not possible to say how many the unit was involved in. The MRF's operational records have been destroyed and its former members refused to incriminate themselves or their comrades in specific incidents when interviewed by Panorama.


But they admitted shooting and killing unarmed civilians. When asked if on occasion the MRF would make an assumption that someone had a weapon, even if they could not see one, one of the former soldiers replied "occasionally".

"We didn't go around town blasting, shooting all over the place like you see on the TV, we were going down there and finding, looking for our targets, finding them and taking them down," he said.

Patrick and Patricia McVeigh

Patricia McVeigh says her father Patrick was shot in the back as he stopped to talk to men at a checkpoint  "We may not have seen a weapon, but there more than likely would have been weapons there in a vigilante patrol."

Panorama has identified 10 unarmed civilians shot, according to witnesses, by the MRF:
  • Brothers John and Gerry Conway, on the way to their fruit stall in Belfast city centre on 15 April 1972
  • Aiden McAloon and Eugene Devlin, in a taxi taking them home from a disco on 12 May 1972
  • Joe Smith, Hugh Kenny, Patrick Murray and Tommy Shaw, on Glen Road on 22 June 1972
  • Daniel Rooney and Brendan Brennan, on the Falls Road on 27 September 1972

Patricia McVeigh told the BBC she believed her father, Patrick McVeigh, had been shot in the back and killed by plain clothes soldiers on 12 May 1972 and said she wanted justice for him. "He was an innocent man, he had every right to be on the street walking home. He didn't deserve to die like this," she said.

Her solicitor Padraig O'Muirigh said he was considering civil action against the Ministry of Defence in light of Panorama's revelations. The MoD refused to say whether soldiers involved in specific shootings had been members of the MRF.

 'Pretty gruesome'
It said it had referred allegations that MRF soldiers shot unarmed men to police in Northern Ireland. But the members of the MRF who Panorama interviewed said their actions had ultimately helped bring about the IRA's decision to lay down arms.

Gen Sir Mike Jackson, the former head of the British army, and a young paratrooper captain in 1972, said he had known little of the unit's activities at the time, but admired the bravery of soldiers involved in undercover work. He said: "That takes a lot of courage and it's a cold courage. It's not the courage of hot blood [used by] soldiers in a firefight. "You know if you are discovered, a pretty gruesome fate may well await you - torture followed by murder."


The aftermath of an IRA bomb in Belfast in 1972
The IRA planted nearly 1,800 bombs - an average of five a day - in 1972 

Col Richard Kemp, who carried out 10 tours of Northern Ireland between 1979 and 2001, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme charges could be brought if there was new evidence unarmed civilians had been killed. But he added: "Soldiers often speak with bravado and I wonder how many of those soldiers are saying that they themselves shot and killed unarmed civilians."

Panorama has learnt a Ministry of Defence review concluded the MRF had "no provision for detailed command and control". Forty years later and families and victims are still looking for answers as to who carried out shootings.

Former detectives are reviewing all of the deaths in Northern Ireland during the conflict as part of the Historical Enquiries Team set up following the peace process. 

Around 11% of the 3,260 deaths being reviewed were the responsibility of the state.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Hacia la Ley Marcial, autoatentados terroristas para provocar pánico entre la población

Fuente: Javifiesta (Gracias!!)

Esto huele a autoatentados preparados para crear pánico entre la población a un ataque terrorista islámico, y acelerar los planes para el Nuevo Orden Mundial.

Hay muchas dudas por resolver en el asesinato del militar en Londres:

Por qué la Policía tardó 20 minutos en llegar si había una comisaría cerca y otras incógnitas del atentado de Londres

El supuesto asesino aparece en una toma con las manos sin sangre y en la que salió en los medios de comunicación con las manos manchadas de rojo:
Un vídeo cuestiona la veracidad del asesinato de Londres

Aquí se puede ver el vídeo completo:

Más pruebas de que el atentado de Londres y Boston fueron un montaje:

Que 'casualidad' a los pocos días uno muy similar en París:Francia apunta a la pista terrorista en el ataque contra un militar en París
  Francia redobla la vigilancia tras el posible "acto terrorista" de París

París: Un soldado es acuchillado en el cuello por un hombre de origen norteafricano

También 'casualidad' vemos esta noticia en los medios de comunicación:
Militares franceses se entrenan en Jordania para posibles operaciones en Siria

En Estados Unidos (Fuente RT):El Pentágono abre la puerta al golpe de Estado militar en EE.UU.
Los excesivos poderes de las Fuerzas Armadas dentro de Estado Unidos son un caldo de cultivo para que se produzca un golpe de Estado militar, al menos eso es lo que supone una reciente instrucción del Departamento de Defensa. 

Hollywood tambien nos prepara, nueva película "Gray State" (Ley Marcial y Guerra Civil en EE.U):

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Agentes del FBI "caen" al mar desde un helicóptero... y más

Fallecen dos agentes del FBI del grupo que capturó al atacante de Boston

 Fuente: RT

Los dos agentes del FBI que murieron en extrañas circunstancias la semana pasada formaban parte del equipo de élite que encargado de detener a los sospechosos de los atentados de Boston.
Los agentes Christopher Lorek y Stephen Shaw eran miembros del Equipo de Rescate de Rehenes del buró de investigaciones, el mismo grupo que participó en la captura de Dzhojar Tsarnáyev y que abatió a su hermano Tamerlán, los sospechosos de fraguar el atentado de Boston, informó el diario de Virginia 'Pilotonline'.

El FBI se limitó a informar que los agentes especiales murieron el pasado viernes durante un ejercicio de entrenamiento frente a la costa de Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Los medios locales de Norfolk (Virginia) indicaron que los experimentados agentes fallecieron en un accidente durante ejercicios de entrenamiento en los que debían descender en cuerdas desde un helicóptero hacia un barco.

No obstante, más tarde una portavoz del FBI de la base de Quantico, Ann Todd, comentó a Interfax “para aclarar la verdad”, que “los mismos agentes especiales Christopher Lorek y Stephen Shaw  
no estaban presentes en Watertown el 19 de abril [día que fue capturado uno de los presuntos autores del atentado en Boston]  y, por consiguiente, no participaron en la captura de Dzhojar Tsarnáyev”.  


Boston: falso sospechoso es hallado muerto

Fuente: Voltairenet
Sunil Tripathi, el estudiante indio que había sido acusado de haber cometido el doble atentado del Maratón de Boston, fue encontrado muerto por ahogamiento en el Estado de Rhode Island.
Designado como culpable del doble atentado de Boston por el foro FindBostonBombers (, el joven indio había desaparecido al día siguiente de la universidad donde realizaba sus estudios en Estados Unidos.
Los responsables del foro FindBostonBombers habían presentado excusas cuando la policía de Boston designó a los hermanos Tsarnaev como sospechosos de los hechos de Boston.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Woolwich, otro incidente falso



Michael Adebolajo, from a well-off Christian family.

The alleged 'Woolwich terrorist', Michael Adebolajo, was under the influence of MI5.

It would appear that MI5 used torture to try to force Michael to become one of their agents.

Speaking on the BBC Newsnight programme, a friend of Michael Adebolajo "said that Michael was tortured and harassed by MI5 - who asked him to spy for them."

Woolwich suspect's friend arrested after appearing on Newsnight / Woolwich attack: MI5 'offered job to suspect'

(OSAMA BIN LADEN, while living in Wembley, was reportedly a guest of MI6 in 1996.)

Samantha Lewthwaite, another brainwashed spook.

Michael's friend, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested under terrorism legislation minutes after acting as a 'whistleblower' on the BBC.

Abu Nusaybah says that Michael, while studying in a village in Kenya in 2012, was arrested and then sexually assaulted.

According to The Guardian, in 2012 Michael went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5.

Feltham young offender institution 

Michael Adebowale, the second Woolwich  'terrorist', is suspected of having been brainwashed by MI5 while in Feltham young offender institution.

Other people mind-controlled by MI5 in the Feltham young offender institution are thought to include Richard Reid and Jermaine Grant.

Richard Reid pretended to try to blow up a plane with a 'shoe bomb' and Jermaine Grant is currently being held in Kenya charged with terrorist offences.

Adebowale's mother Juliet worked as a probation officer.

Adebowale had briefly appeared on TV as part of Jamie Oliver’s School Dinners series.

Do MI5 and MI6 torture children?

MI5 and MI6 are said to have been involved in organising child abuse at the Kincora and Bryn Estyn children's homes in the UK. 

Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The troubles: Google Books Result

Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop. (

Sir Jimmy Savile, suspected of being a spy, near the Kincora home.

Michael Adebolajo was born into a wealthy Christian family.

Samantha Lewthwaite is the daughter of a soldier.

Many of the children who are mind-controlled are the children of military families.
Samantha Lewthwaite

On 3rd March 2012, the Daily Mail told us about Samantha Lewthwaite from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.

http://www.dailymail. girl terrorist working for the spooks

Samantha is linked to the London Tube Bombings of 2005, and, to terror in Mombassa in Kenya.

Her father was a soldier in the UK military.

Her parents separated when she was 11.

There is a suspicion that Samantha works for military intelligence (MI5 or MI6).

She may have been brainwashed.

As a teenager, she wore make-up and dresses, and went to parties with her friends; she allegedly converted to Islam.
Samantha and Germaine Lindsay

While studying for a 
degree in religion and politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London she met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay, a fellow Moslem convert.

Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.

There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and the
security services.

The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a 
car used by Lindsay. (7/7 inquests: police failed.)

‎Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.

CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."

The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential 
training course.

Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.

Allegedly, Germaine Lindsay was one of the 2005 London Tube Bombers and died at King's Cross in London.

After the 7 July bombings, Samantha was placed by the authorities in a ‘safe house’.

In Woolwich:

"I asked the on-site police officer in our school:

"I bet your briefing this morning at the station was an intense one.

"Officer: I was expecting exactly that, but it was just too odd. I asked why there's no briefing, believing we'd be told which streets to be in and what to look out for, but no. Nothing. It was as if it hadn't happened.

"'In fact, the skipper said 'it didn't happen.'

"He told me he didn't recognise any of the officers on his own patch at the scene either nor any of the members of the public, despite always seeing the same people."
Woolwich ‘Terror Attack’ – SE London, 22.5.13 •…

London Beheading Hoax Confirmed?

Anonymous writes:

"I know the busker who watched it all.

"He said they put chalk marks on the ground where the actors, sorry terrorists,  involved had to stand.

"He said it was so obviously fake; the police threatened to beat him up unless he moved and kept his mouth shut."

Lee and Rebecca, who have split.

Lee Rigby, allegedly killed in the Woolwich incident in London, has a girlfriend who has been serving in Afghanistan.

Lee Rigby has a two-year-old son, Jack, but Lee has split from the boy's mother Rebecca, 30.

On 22 May 2013, Lee Rigby is allegedly killed in Woolwich in London.

On 22 May 2013, Lee Rigby's battalion is training in Cyprus.

Woolwich: Lee Rigby Named As Soldier Victim - Sky News

Michael Adebolajo

Michael Adebolajo, 28, is the man videoed by witnesses with his hands coloured red.

"Virtually all the friends on his Facebook page have traditional British names such as Louise, Kelly, Robert, Craig, Gemma, Lauren and Paul, to name a few. Among them is Matthew Selt, now a professional snooker player."

'He was a Christian. A nice, normal guy. All his friends were white and used to go round to each other's houses all the time,' a former friend said.

Six years ago Adebolajo was arrested after being involved in protests outside the court known as the Old Bailey.

Did the security services subject Michael Adebolajo to mind control while he was in prison?

Michael Adebowale

Michael Adebowale is the other attacker.

"The 2nd attacker is shown wearing the beige/brown jacket talking to Ingrid Loyau-Kennett but minutes later is on the ground apparently wearing a black jacket. How does that work?

"The 'pool of blood' does not trail over to where the body was left in the road. Tap is saying the blood on the ground by the car only appeared after the body was moved."
Carol A. Valentine

Above: Ingrid Loyau-Kennett talks to one alleged murderer (left). 

Gemini Donnelly-Martin, 20, and her mother Amanda, talk to the second alleged murderer (right)

The attackers seem to be mind controlled - to not harm women (no male is allowed near the body only women).

Loyau-Kennett who talked to the murderer face to face was far too confident that he would not harm a woman. 

She looks to me to be security service...

Kal Dani

Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, from Helston in Cornwall, had been visiting London to see her children, Basil and Pawony Baradaran, when the drama unfolded.Helston woman confronts machete w

Strangely, no sign of blood 

Adebolajo home.

The alleged killer comes from a wealthy Christian family.

"Louise, 26, from Romford, knew Michael Adebolajo and his brother from Marshalls Park school.

"She described him as clever... and 'such a nice person; everyone got along with him...

"'Everyone knew him. He was funny, hilarious. He was a down to earth, nice guy, there was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing you would have thought obviously this would have happened.'

"She said that Adebolajo's mother was strict and a regular churchgoer."
London attack: Police make two further arrests after Woolwich killing

No blood on his jacket.
The two 'terrorists' in Woolwich, on 22 May 2013, were known to Britain’s security services before the attack.

The MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies had collected data on the suspected attackers before the incident.

In other words the 'terrorists' were being used by the security services.

The terror event in Woolwich in London may seem a little fishy?

One of the alleged 'Moslem terrorists' can be heard saying:

"You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns; you think politicians are going to die?

"It's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children...."

It may seem strange that the 'terrorists' never seem to attack the top people.

This 'spook' is seen here apparently rehearsing his lines. 
So, those who gain from the latest incident are:

1. Israel, which wants to paint Moslems as the enemy.

2. David Cameron, who can now 'do a Thatcher' and appear to stand up for Britain.

3. The military, which gains in sympathy.

You can tell a lot from photos


"The political statements made by the suspect ... will provide the state and the media all the cannon fodder it needs to link anti-government rhetoric with violent terrorism." 
London “Terror Attack” Blamed on Anti-Government Sentiment"Lord Carlile, a former independent (he's a Jew) reviewer of terror laws, has said the killing should cause the Government to rethink the decision to drop the planned Communications Data Bill from the Queen's Speech, which would have extended email and internet monitoring to the security services."The Telegraph

~~Lord McAlpine Wins Twitter Libel Case Against Sally Bercow. Of course he won - did anyone expect anything else? What a load of absolute bollocks this is.
2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokar Tsarnaev's Arrest "FALL" Out of Helicopter and Die

Man shot to death while questioned in Boston probe

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

¿Usa España la 'ciberyihad' para desviar la atención de su crisis económica?

Fuente: RT

“España es el primer país occidental en seguir el nuevo paradigma de la guerra contra el terrorismo después de Boston”, una nueva táctica del Gobierno para desviar la atención de sus medidas de austeridad, según Pepe Escobar, analista de RT.
"El diario español de extrema derecha 'La Razón'", explica Escobar en su blog, informaba esta semana de que "los 'lobos solitarios' [personas que cometen actos, ya sean violentos o no, en apoyo de un grupo, movimiento o ideología, pero lo hacen solos, fuera de cualquier estructura de comando] detenidos en España entraron en contacto con el grupo AQMI, la célula más sangrienta de Al-Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico". 

Según Escobar, a uno de ellos, Mediouni Nou, de 23 años y estudiante argelino de tecnología de la información, se le acusa de ser miembro de una célula de AQMI y un "peligroso '
ciberyihadista'"  tras escribir en un foro sobre AQMI, en relación a los atentados de Boston: "Lo que sentís ahora es lo que los niños de Afganistán, Siria e Irak sienten".

El otro detenido, Hassan El Jaaouani, de 52 años y origen  marroquí, es, según las autoridades españolas, un contrabandista con contactos con la yihad. Ambos fueron comparados por el ministro del Interior de España, Jorge Fernández, con los hermanos Tsarnáyev, acusados de ser los autores del 
atentado de Boston.

Por su parte, el padre de Mediouni, residente en España desde hace 14 años, declaró a los medios españoles que "todo es una mentira. Esto no es un país democrático", agregando que "no se es un terrorista por estar en contra de la invasión de Irak. Millones de españoles protestaron en las calles" contra aquella misma guerra.

Al final, el poder judicial, que primero había señalado que no existen pruebas concluyentes para acusar a ninguno de los detenidos de ser yihadistas de AQMI, tomó la decisión de no arriesgarse, explica Escobar, enviando a Mediouni a la cárcel, acusado de "integrar una organización terrorista" y liberando a Jaaouani, quien, no obstante, no puede salir de España.
Sin embargo, esta operación que se venía investigando desde hace un año y que ha contado con la colaboración de Francia y Marruecos, ha salido a la luz justo después de los atentados de Boston, señala Escobar, quien se pegunta por qué precisamente ahora.

La razón, explica, es la intención de que la nueva "'Era del
Lobo Solitario', como se ha rebautizado a la llamada 'War on Terror' ('Guerra contra el Terror') acuñada por la primera administración Bush", desbanque a la Troika como amenaza número uno de la sociedad española.

Precisamente en un momento en el que, añade Escobar, la tasa oficial de 
desempleo en España alcanzó el 27,1%, afectando a 6.202.700 personas y a sus familias.

Y justo cuando se ha conocido que una cuarta parte de la población de España está instalada en las puertas de la pobreza, que prácticamente la mitad de la población, entre los desempleados y pensionistas, no es productiva y que el actual Gobierno de Rajoy coquetea con una drástica reforma del sistema de pensiones impuesta por Bruselas.

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

La CIA en España. Más detalles

Atención abajo a la relación entre el CNI (que desgraciadamente es un brazo de la CIA en España) y esta trama. Que no nos vendan la historieta de que es un tema de las revistas de corazón.

Es una forma de desestabilizar el estado español.


Los alargados tentáculos de la red de tráfico ilegal de datos capitaneada por el asturiano Juan Antonio Rama Menéndez también llegaron al Principado. La trama vendía a empresas y aseguradoras informes confidenciales e historiales clínicos personales procedentes de centros de salud y hospitales de numerosas localidades españolas. Oviedo entre ellas.

La vertiente médica era sólo una parte más de la extensa cartera de productos que ofrecía la red de espionaje a sus clientes, en la que también se incluían datos sobre llamadas telefónicas entrantes y salientes, títulos de propiedad, informes de vida laboral, cotizaciones a la Seguridad Social o informaciones confidenciales sobre empresas. Para ello, el entramado contaba con decenas de soplones distribuidos por el Ministerio de Hacienda, la Policía Nacional, la Guardia Civil, el Instituto Nacional de Empleo, el Catastro, la Dirección General de Tráfico, grandes firmas eléctricas, agencias de viajes, Sanidad o la Seguridad Social. Hasta el momento, la Policía ha detenido o imputado a más de 150 personas relacionadas con una trama que espió a Telma Ortiz, hermana de la Princesa de Asturias; Ignacio López del Hierro, marido de María Dolores de Cospedal, secretaria general del PP, o a la asturiana Susana Monje, presidenta de la constructora Essentium y tesorera del Fútbol Club Barcelona.


La red de tráfico ilegal de datos encabezada por el asturiano Juan Antonio Rama Menéndez también mantenía estrechos vínculos con agentes del Centro Internacional de Inteligencia (CNI), a los que un grupo de sospechosos de pertenecer a la trama se refería con el nombre en clave de «Los ranas», según consta en el extenso sumario del «caso Pitiusa». El CNI es el organismo público que facilita al presidente del Gobierno informaciones de carácter secreto o confidencial de alto interés para el Estado. En la actualidad está dirigido por Félix Sanz Roldán.

La relación de integrantes de la red de espionaje con agentes del CNI quedó de manifiesto, según se desprende del sumario, cuando estos últimos contactaron con la Policía para interesarse por las detenciones de sus amigos y conocidos. Además, un pirata informático («hacker») argentino, Matías Bevilacqua, que trabajaba para la red, declaró al ser detenido que realizaba encargos «delicados» para el servicio español de inteligencia. A modo de prueba, facilitó a los agentes un número de teléfono asignado a «don Aquiles», nombre en clave de su enlace en el CNI, quien, posteriormente, confirmaría su relación con Bevilacqua.

Según consta también en el sumario, el experto informático argentino logró entrar en los ordenadores de las empresas Unilever y Minas de Río Tinto. La Policía se incautó de 140.000 euros en el registro realizado en la empresa en la que trabajaba. El «hacker» aseguró a los agentes que se trataba de dinero proveniente del Ministerio de Defensa, con el que estaba colaborando.

Además, en una llamada al policía local barcelonés Sergio Corcoles, interceptada por los investigadores del caso, su interlocutor afirma que había conseguido el número a través de un «amiguete del CNI», lo que hace suponer que Corcoles mantenía relaciones con el servicio de inteligencia y que, incluso, intercambiaba información confidencial con sus agentes.
Juan Antonio Rama, a la derecha, en una fotografía de vigilancia policial obtenida en Aranda de Duero

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Conocer el glamour de Guantánamo de primera mano

Un viaje de placer de 2000 jubilados o ancianos británicos que incluía escala en Los Angeles, a todo lujo, con visita a algunas de las areas comerciales más lujosas del mundo, se convierte de repente (y salvando las distancias, desde luego) en una toma de conciencia del concienzudo trabajo de los vigilantes de Guantánamo.

(Lo más gracioso del caso es que hay más de 1300 comentarios a la noticia en el Telegraph, prácticamente todos de gente a los que en otros viajes les ha pasado algo parecido)

Setting off from Southampton on April 12, the cruise has taken in stops in Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, crossing the Panama Canal to travel up the west coast of the United States to Alaska

El 26 de mayo, el P&O Arcadia, atracó en Los Angeles, en su décima parada en USA. Cuando algunos pasajeros preguntaron si era necesario que el grupo mayoritariamente de ancianos volviera a pasar por los controles de seguridad del puerto, parece ser que los responsables de seguridad se enfadaron.
Todos los 2000 pasajeros tuvieron que pasar por los controles completos,  en un proceso que duró 7 horas, incluyendo las huellas digitales de ambas manos y scaneo de retina.
Según el Telegraph, cuando una mujer pidió desesperadamente ir al servicio, la respuesta del oficial de inmigración fue: "Hágalo por la borda, no nos importará"
El crucero tuvo que cancelar la siguiente parada en Honduras debido a este control.

1984 se acerca cada vez más deprisa

Es impresionante como Orwell (cuando escribió su famosa novela 1984) pudo preveer en el año 1949, de forma tan precisa, lo que iba a llegar más de 60 años después. Hay detalles en el libro que sorprende que se le ocurrieran cuando lo escribió (me imagino que tomó como inspiración las dictaduras de aquel tiempo).

Pero todavía estamos a tiempo de superarle, y estos son dos buenos ejemplos:

Los nuevos checkpoints presentados por la International Air Transport Assotiation (IATA) incluyen reconocimiento de iris, además de scanner completo.

El sistema dividirá a los pasajeros en tres categorías, que serán definidas previamente por un sistema de reconocimiento del iris antes de pasar por los arcos.

Los "viajeros conocidos" que habrán sido previamente revisados, pasarán por rayos X y detectores de metales y líquidos. Los "viajeros standard" tendrán además que hacer pasar sus zapatos por el detector, y pasar por un rastreador de explosivos. Y aquellos cuyo comportamiento despierte sospechas (que por ejemplo hayan adquirido el billete en efectivo) pasarán por una fila separada que tendrá un scaner completo.

Facebook pasa discretamente a reconomiciento facial, por defecto

Facebook ha puesto en marcha su tecnología de reconocimiento facial en paises fuera de USA, pero lo ha conectado "por defecto" sin comunicarlo antes a sus usuarios.

Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default

Facebook has rolled out its facial recognition technology to countries outside of the US, but has switched the feature on by default without telling its users first.
The Mark Zuckerberg-run company started using its facial recognition software in December last year for its Stateside users in a move to automatically provide tags for the photos uploaded by Facebook users.
When the software was introduced in the US late last year, Facebook pointed out that users could disable the function.
But now that the tech has reached other shores, Facebook clearly didn't feel the need to alert its international stalkerbase that its facial recognition software had been switched on by default within the social network.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

Más estado policial en Disneyland

Estos videos de "Estado policial"  no son más que pequeños detalles que muestran hacia dónde va el pais de Walt Disney. No tendrían demasiada importancia si no fuera porque en su conjunto marcan una tendencia perfectamente clara... el 1984 de Orwell.
y a esto se añade que estos casos se tratan periodísticamente de una forma absolutamente diferente a si ocurrieran en China, Rusia, Venezuela, etc... Vamos, simplemente que no se tratan!

En este caso, una mujer se niega a pasar por el scanning de cuerpo entero del aeropuerto (ese que muestra al operador tu imagen desnuda) y por tanto debe pasar por el cacheo, que desde hace unos meses es realmente "palpar".

Cuando la agente le toca las tetas, (sí, eso es) la mujer empieza a gritar y a pedir ayuda a la policía.
Mientras tanto su marido parece que no sabe qué hacer y su hijo lo filma todo aún bajo las las amenazas de ser detenido con la excusa de que va contra la ley filmar en ese lugar...
Este es el video:

En fin, espero que esto tarde en llegar a España.
Tweets por @Nonius451