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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta MI6. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Desarrollo de la campaña de propaganda contra Siria

Fuente: Voltairenet
La operación de propaganda sobre un supuesto uso de gas sarín, el 21 de agosto de 2013, por parte del Ejército Árabe Sirio en la periferia de Damasco prosigue ahora con una andanada de declaraciones oficiales, a raíz de las informaciones no confirmadas pero ampliamente difundidas por los medios de prensa.
Basta, sin embargo, con unos pocos segundos para verificar el truco utilizado: las imágenes de video de la masacre del 21 de agosto fueron publicadas en YouTube, a través de la cuenta «Majles Rif», el día anterior, 20 de agosto [1]. La declaración de la AFP, en respuesta a nuestro artículo anterior, de que una de las fotos que esa agencia ha difundido tiene como código la fecha del 21 de agosto, no modifica el hecho que los videos fueron “colgados” en YouTube el día anterior.
En la propia ciudad de Damasco no se ven animales afectados por gases venenosos, a pesar de que un ataque capaz de matar 1 729 personas, según la última cifra divulgada por el Ejército Sirio Libre, tendría obligatoriamente que haber matado o afectado gravemente gran número de pájaros y otros animales errantes.
Ofrecemos seguidamente un breve listado de actores que participan en esta farsa.

- Laurent Fabius, ministro francés de Relaciones Exteriores;

- John McCain, presidente del International Republican Institute, la rama republicana de la National Endowment for Democracy (NED), órgano del Departemento de Estado a cargo de las acciones legales y públicas de la CIA en el exterior [2];

- Yuval Steinitz, ministro israelí de Inteligencia y Asuntos estratégicos;

- Ahmed Davutoglu, ministro turco de Relaciones Exteriores y Guido Westerwelle, ministro alemán de Relaciones Exteriores;

- Carl Bildt, ministro sueco de Relaciones Exteriores y William Hague, ministro británico de Relaciones Exteriores.

[2] «La NED, vitrina legal de la CIA», por Thierry Meyssan, Odnako (Federación Rusa), 6 de octubre de 2010.

Gas sarín en Siria: nueva operación de propaganda

Fuente: Voltairenet 

Según el Ejército Sirio Libre, las autoridades sirias bombardearon con gas sarín la región de Ghoutta, en la periferia de Damasco, el miércoles 21 de agosto de 2013, causando en total 1 700 muertos. Esta alegación fue comentada de inmediato por las autoridades alemanas, británicas y francesas, que llamaron a una reunión urgente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU para que se autorice a los observadores de la ONU a investigar en el terreno. Las noticias al respecto están siendo repetidas constantemente por la prensa atlantista, que presenta además dichas alegaciones como hechos consumados.
Salta a la vista, sin embargo, la torpeza de esta nueva operación de propaganda. Como puede comprobarse a través de YouTube, los videos que supuestamente muestran la masacre cometida el 21 de agosto fueron publicados en YouTube por la cuenta identificada como «Majles Rif»… el 20 de agosto.
En las imágenes, impresionantes a primera vista, se percibe rápidamente una puesta en escena. Los niños afectados, que parecen desfallecidos o endrogados, no tienen madres que los acompañen. Los varones aparecen a menudo desnudos mientras que las niñas están completamente vestidas. Fuera de algunas cortinas plegables y varias bolsas de suero, no se ve ningún tipo de estructura médica ni equipamiento sanitario, ni siquiera de tipo clandestino.
Algunas de las fotografías difundidas ahora por la prensa atlantista ya fueron utilizadas anteriormente para acusar al ejército de Egipto de haber cometido una masacre en un campamento de la Hermandad Musulmana en El Cairo.
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A partir de la madrugada y a lo largo de todo el día 21 de agosto, el Ejército Árabe Sirio bombardeó las posiciones de elementos del Ejército Sirio Libre que se habían reagrupado en el sudeste de la Ghoutta (la región agrícola colindante con la capital siria), zona de enfrentamientos cuya población civil ha sido evacuada desde hace meses. Las bajas de los grupos yihadistas parecen ser allí considerables y no se ha recurrido al uso de gases de combate, un arma que históricamente se utiliza sólo en caso de guerras de trincheras.
Las autoridades rusas han denunciado una nueva campaña de propaganda planificada de antemano, lo cual está siendo confirmado por la simultaneidad y la unanimidad conque los medios de prensa atlantistas están repitiendo a coro la versión del Ejército Sirio Libre, sin esforzarse por verificar los hechos.
Las autoridades iraníes señalan, por su parte, que el uso de armas químicas por parte de Siria sería totalmente injustificado y absurdo en momentos en que sus éxitos militares en el campo de batalla son ya innegables.
En Nueva York, al cabo de una reunión a puertas cerradas, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU expresó inquietud.
Ya en 2003, Estados Unidos utilizó la acusación de posesión y uso de gases de combate por parte del gobierno de Irak como justificación para agredir ese país. El entonces secretario de Estado Colin Powell llegó incluso a mostrar a los miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU una ampolleta de gas licuado como prueba de aquellas alegaciones. Sólo después de la destrucción de Irak, el propio Powell reconoció que aquellas supuestas pruebas eran falsas y que él mismo había mentido a la comunidad internacional.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Algo huele a podrido en el 'Financial Times'

Fuente: ElMundo
El Financial Times sigue machacando la imagen de España. Hace unos días, en una clara injerencia política, exigió al Presidente del Gobierno de España que compareciera en el Congreso para dar explicación del 'caso Bárcenas'. Ahora utiliza la comparecencia de Rajoy para seguir manchando la imagen del país. Es evidente el interés del Financial Times por desestabilizar al Gobierno de España, con el fin de defender intereses británicos. Por lo visto, parece dispuesto a utilizar cualquier medio para tal fin.
(Nota de Nonius451: Prácticamente se puede decir lo mismo de la prensa de nuestro país, auténtica quinta columna de la sociedad española)

En efecto, el presidente del FT, Glen Moreno, está ligado a los intereses financieros del Gobierno británico y a las empresas financieras más poderosas del Reino Unido. El FT pertenece al grupo británico Pearson, uno de los mayores emporios dedicados a la información, y parece últimamente muy interesado en machacar la imagen de España. Sin embargo, ese grupo de información no muestra el mismo interés a la hora de aventar al mundo las corrupciones institucionales de Inglaterra. Pearson tiene conocimiento, por ejemplo, del modo en que algunas universidades británicas 'fabrican' las evidencias para los rankings internacionales.

Pearson ha tenido acceso al informe enviado a la EU (informe todavía inédito) que muestran las ilegítimas prácticas de universidades tan conocidas como Oxford, con uso de prácticas incluso racistas, llegando a espiar los correos de los evaluadores que examinan esa universidad, a interferir para que los resultados negativos no vean la luz, a violar los procedimientos objetivos, etc., etc. Y Pearson, que conoce esos hechos, los ha ocultado.

¿Por qué no comparece para dar explicaciones de esos hechos?, podemos preguntar. Y por cierto, ¿tiene que ver con el hecho de que Pearson tenga intereses comerciales con la Universidad de Oxford y que parte de su directiva provenga de esa universidad? ¿Tiene el silencio algo que ver también con el hecho de que Oxford sea la institución que aglutina lo más selecto de la élite política conservadora?

Ese informe pone de manifiesto igualmente que la revista Times High Education (THE) —que publica uno de los más 'prestigiosos' rankings internacionales de universidades— ha tenido acceso a las pruebas de esas corrupciones académicas, y que, en lugar de publicar esas pruebas —que ponen de relieve que la universidad británica traiciona a la comunidad académica internacional—, ha colaborado activamente junto a la Universidad de Oxford para que esas pruebas no vean la luz.

Ahora bien, en esas mismas fechas THE sí que tuvo a bien publicar un artículo sobre la corrupción de las universidades españolas, titulado: 'Algo huele a podrido en España' (agosto de 2012). Parece claro que durante el último año hay un claro interés por parte de esas instituciones británicas en enaltecer a su Graciosa, y, al mismo tiempo, desprestigiar a España. ¿Dónde se pueden encontrar las raíces de esos intereses?

Gran Bretaña iza de nuevo la 'Jolly Roger'

Desde 2009 Inglaterra está sufriendo una grave crisis económica, y está echando la culpa a la EU que, según ellos, es un ente que sirve sólo para despilfarrar el dinero. Además, se está extendiendo un fuerte y agrio sentimiento xenófobo entre el ciudadano inglés común: se dice que hay demasiados inmigrantes, que les quitan el trabajo, que consumen sus recursos,… y se escuchan cosas que hace décadas ya se oyeron en Europa; incluso cerrar la puerta a la inmigración forma parte de la agenda política británica. Asimismo, su élite rectora no acepta el papel predominante que Alemania tiene en Europa.

En ese contexto, en primavera de 2012 España negocia con la EU —esto es, con Alemania— la ayuda financiera jugando con la carta del temor de arrastrar toda la zona euro si caía España; y Alemania le apretaba las tuercas dejando ver la posibilidad de que la zona euro se disolviera o se dividiera en dos zonas. Para la élite dirigente 'british', la ruptura del euro favorecería los intereses económicos y políticos de la Pérfida, pero entiende que Alemania no está interesada en que la zona euro se rompa, porque el 47% de las exportaciones de Alemania se efectúan a la zona euro.

El predominio económico de Alemania en la EU depende de la estabilidad de la zona euro. Y a la inversa, el fin del euro debilita Alemania y fortalece el poder económico y político de la isla. Por tanto, la estrategia del Reino Unido fue lanzar su flota institucional contra la zona euro.

Así, en el momento en que España pide dinero a la UE ("ese ente que está despilfarrando nuestro dinero", en mentalidad 'british'), desprestigiar a España implica el desprestigio de Europa entera. Eso fue lo que vimos en junio de 2012, cuando la BBC, la televisión oficial británica, iza la 'Jolly Roger' contra España, "ese país despilfarrador y pedigüeño". A eso hemos estado asistiendo desde entonces, con ataques de grupos mediáticos ligados a los intereses británicos: como el BBC, Times, FT, New York Times (el presidente del NYT procede de la BBC y de los círculos de Oxford, que concentra el núcleo duro de la élite rectora británica), Guardian, etc.

No es casual que el ataque de esos medios se produzca justo en el momento en que España necesitaba —con urgencia y con carácter grave— ofrecer a la esfera internacional un clima de confianza para refinanciar la deuda en condiciones soportables. Justo en ese momento, esos medios comenzaron una campaña de machaque de la imagen de España, sirviéndose de falsas verdades, mentiras palmarias y análisis torticeros, para generar un clima adverso, y, de resultas, que España se hundiera y arrastrara con ella la zona euro, a beneficio de intereses británicos. Esa es la 'civilizada' política que está llevando a cabo Inglaterra. Su prestigio, el que nosotros le demos.



martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

SAS, Special Air Services. Herramientas del British Evil Empire

Fuente: aangirfan


"The letter says Soldier N told his wife there is a 'box which members of his unit use for private jobs... They put in the box the name, address and details of what they want done and then one of them who wants to earn extra money does that job.'

"When Soldier N was challenged by his mother-in-law, he is accused of saying: 'Let me stop you right there – I kill women and I kill children.'
Más sobre el SAS en Nonius451:

Britamgate: falsos atentados en Siria

Las raíces de los atentados en Irak


Disfrazados para causar el mal

domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

La Pérfida Albión. El Reino Unido espió a políticos extranjeros en la cumbre del G-20 de 2009

El Reino Unido espió a políticos extranjeros en la cumbre del G-20 de 2009

Las llamadas telefónicas de políticos extranjeros que participaron en la cumbre del G-20 en Londres en 2009, entre ellos el entonces presidente ruso Dmitri Medvédev, fueron 'espiadas' por orden del Gobierno británico, según revela 'The Guardian'.
Los documentos secretos de la NSA filtrados por Edward Snowden y obtenidos por 'The Guardian' revelan que durante las reuniones del G-20 en abril y septiembre de 2009 un servicio de inteligencia británica, conocido como Cuartel General de Comunicaciones del Gobierno (Government Communications Headquarters, GCHQ), utilizó 'métodos innovadores de espionaje' para interceptar las comunicaciones de las delegaciones extranjeras que acudieron al evento.
Los documentos sugieren que la operación fue aprobada al más alto nivel, directamente por el Gobierno del entonces primer ministro del Reino Unido, Gordon Brown. Esta filtración se produce en el momento en el que el Reino Unido se prepara para acoger la cumbre de los países del G-8, que se celebrará el lunes. Este anuncio podría provocar cierta tensión entre los delegados que tendrán la oportunidad de preguntarle al primer ministro británico por qué fueron objeto de espionaje en 2009 y si esto va a repetirse. 
GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits

Exclusive: phones were monitored and fake internet cafes set up to gather information from allies in London in 2009
Fuente: Guardian
Foreign politicians and officials who took part in two G20 summit meetings in London in 2009 had their computers monitored and their phone calls intercepted on the instructions of their British government hosts, according to documents seen by the Guardian. Some delegates were tricked into using internet cafes which had been set up by British intelligence agencies to read their email traffic.
The revelation comes as Britain prepares to host another summit on Monday – for the G8 nations, all of whom attended the 2009 meetings which were the object of the systematic spying. It is likely to lead to some tension among visiting delegates who will want the prime minister to explain whether they were targets in 2009 and whether the exercise is to be repeated this week.
The disclosure raises new questions about the boundaries of surveillance by GCHQ and its American sister organisation, the National Security Agency, whose access to phone records and internet data has been defended as necessary in the fight against terrorism and serious crime. The G20 spying appears to have been organised for the more mundane purpose of securing an advantage in meetings. Named targets include long-standing allies such as South Africa and Turkey.
There have often been rumours of this kind of espionage at international conferences, but it is highly unusual for hard evidence to confirm it and spell out the detail. The evidence is contained in documents – classified as top secret – which were uncovered by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and seen by the Guardian. They reveal that during G20 meetings in April and September 2009 GCHQ used what one document calls "ground-breaking intelligence capabilities" to intercept the communications of visiting delegations.
This included:
• Setting up internet cafes where they used an email interception programme and key-logging software to spy on delegates' use of computers;
• Penetrating the security on delegates' BlackBerrys to monitor their email messages and phone calls;
• Supplying 45 analysts with a live round-the-clock summary of who was phoning who at the summit;
• Targeting the Turkish finance minister and possibly 15 others in his party;
• Receiving reports from an NSA attempt to eavesdrop on the Russian leader, Dmitry Medvedev, as his phone calls passed through satellite links to Moscow.
The documents suggest that the operation was sanctioned in principle at a senior level in the government of the then prime minister, Gordon Brown, and that intelligence, including briefings for visiting delegates, was passed to British ministers.
A briefing paper dated 20 January 2009 records advice given by GCHQ officials to their director, Sir Iain Lobban, who was planning to meet the then foreign secretary, David Miliband. The officials summarised Brown's aims for the meeting of G20 heads of state due to begin on 2 April, which was attempting to deal with the economic aftermath of the 2008 banking crisis. The briefing paper added: "The GCHQ intent is to ensure that intelligence relevant to HMG's desired outcomes for its presidency of the G20 reaches customers at the right time and in a form which allows them to make full use of it." Two documents explicitly refer to the intelligence product being passed to "ministers".
GCHQ ragout 1                    
    One of the GCHQ documents. Photograph: Guardian 
According to the material seen by the Guardian, GCHQ generated this product by attacking both the computers and the telephones of delegates.
One document refers to a tactic which was "used a lot in recent UK conference, eg G20". The tactic, which is identified by an internal codeword which the Guardian is not revealing, is defined in an internal glossary as "active collection against an email account that acquires mail messages without removing them from the remote server". A PowerPoint slide explains that this means "reading people's email before/as they do".
The same document also refers to GCHQ, MI6 and others setting up internet cafes which "were able to extract key logging info, providing creds for delegates, meaning we have sustained intelligence options against them even after conference has finished". This appears to be a reference to acquiring delegates' online login details.
Another document summarises a sustained campaign to penetrate South African computers, recording that they gained access to the network of their foreign ministry, "investigated phone lines used by High Commission in London" and "retrieved documents including briefings for South African delegates to G20 and G8 meetings". (South Africa is a member of the G20 group and has observer status at G8 meetings.)
GCHQ Ragout 2                       
Another excerpt from the GCHQ documents. Photograph: Guardian 
A detailed report records the efforts of the NSA's intercept specialists at Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire to target and decode encrypted phone calls from London to Moscow which were made by the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, and other Russian delegates.
Other documents record apparently successful efforts to penetrate the security of BlackBerry smartphones: "New converged events capabilities against BlackBerry provided advance copies of G20 briefings to ministers … Diplomatic targets from all nations have an MO of using smartphones. Exploited this use at the G20 meetings last year."
The operation appears to have run for at least six months. One document records that in March 2009 – the month before the heads of state meeting – GCHQ was working on an official requirement to "deliver a live dynamically updating graph of telephony call records for target G20 delegates … and continuing until G20 (2 April)."
Another document records that when G20 finance ministers met in London in September, GCHQ again took advantage of the occasion to spy on delegates, identifying the Turkish finance minister, Mehmet Simsek, as a target and listing 15 other junior ministers and officials in his delegation as "possible targets". As with the other G20 spying, there is no suggestion that Simsek and his party were involved in any kind of criminal offence. The document explicitly records a political objective – "to establish Turkey's position on agreements from the April London summit" and their "willingness (or not) to co-operate with the rest of the G20 nations".
The September meeting of finance ministers was also the subject of a new technique to provide a live report on any telephone call made by delegates and to display all of the activity on a graphic which was projected on to the 15-sq-metre video wall of GCHQ's operations centre as well as on to the screens of 45 specialist analysts who were monitoring the delegates.
"For the first time, analysts had a live picture of who was talking to who that updated constantly and automatically," according to an internal review.
A second review implies that the analysts' findings were being relayed rapidly to British representatives in the G20 meetings, a negotiating advantage of which their allies and opposite numbers may not have been aware: "In a live situation such as this, intelligence received may be used to influence events on the ground taking place just minutes or hours later. This means that it is not sufficient to mine call records afterwards – real-time tip-off is essential."
In the week after the September meeting, a group of analysts sent an internal message to the GCHQ section which had organised this live monitoring: "Thank you very much for getting the application ready for the G20 finance meeting last weekend … The call records activity pilot was very successful and was well received as a current indicator of delegate activity …
"It proved useful to note which nation delegation was active during the moments before, during and after the summit. All in all, a very successful weekend with the delegation telephony plot."


miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Hacia la Ley Marcial, autoatentados terroristas para provocar pánico entre la población

Fuente: Javifiesta (Gracias!!)

Esto huele a autoatentados preparados para crear pánico entre la población a un ataque terrorista islámico, y acelerar los planes para el Nuevo Orden Mundial.

Hay muchas dudas por resolver en el asesinato del militar en Londres:

Por qué la Policía tardó 20 minutos en llegar si había una comisaría cerca y otras incógnitas del atentado de Londres

El supuesto asesino aparece en una toma con las manos sin sangre y en la que salió en los medios de comunicación con las manos manchadas de rojo:
Un vídeo cuestiona la veracidad del asesinato de Londres

Aquí se puede ver el vídeo completo:

Más pruebas de que el atentado de Londres y Boston fueron un montaje:

Que 'casualidad' a los pocos días uno muy similar en París:Francia apunta a la pista terrorista en el ataque contra un militar en París
  Francia redobla la vigilancia tras el posible "acto terrorista" de París

París: Un soldado es acuchillado en el cuello por un hombre de origen norteafricano

También 'casualidad' vemos esta noticia en los medios de comunicación:
Militares franceses se entrenan en Jordania para posibles operaciones en Siria

En Estados Unidos (Fuente RT):El Pentágono abre la puerta al golpe de Estado militar en EE.UU.
Los excesivos poderes de las Fuerzas Armadas dentro de Estado Unidos son un caldo de cultivo para que se produzca un golpe de Estado militar, al menos eso es lo que supone una reciente instrucción del Departamento de Defensa. 

Hollywood tambien nos prepara, nueva película "Gray State" (Ley Marcial y Guerra Civil en EE.U):

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Woolwich, otro incidente falso



Michael Adebolajo, from a well-off Christian family.

The alleged 'Woolwich terrorist', Michael Adebolajo, was under the influence of MI5.

It would appear that MI5 used torture to try to force Michael to become one of their agents.

Speaking on the BBC Newsnight programme, a friend of Michael Adebolajo "said that Michael was tortured and harassed by MI5 - who asked him to spy for them."

Woolwich suspect's friend arrested after appearing on Newsnight / Woolwich attack: MI5 'offered job to suspect'

(OSAMA BIN LADEN, while living in Wembley, was reportedly a guest of MI6 in 1996.)

Samantha Lewthwaite, another brainwashed spook.

Michael's friend, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested under terrorism legislation minutes after acting as a 'whistleblower' on the BBC.

Abu Nusaybah says that Michael, while studying in a village in Kenya in 2012, was arrested and then sexually assaulted.

According to The Guardian, in 2012 Michael went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5.

Feltham young offender institution 

Michael Adebowale, the second Woolwich  'terrorist', is suspected of having been brainwashed by MI5 while in Feltham young offender institution.

Other people mind-controlled by MI5 in the Feltham young offender institution are thought to include Richard Reid and Jermaine Grant.

Richard Reid pretended to try to blow up a plane with a 'shoe bomb' and Jermaine Grant is currently being held in Kenya charged with terrorist offences.

Adebowale's mother Juliet worked as a probation officer.

Adebowale had briefly appeared on TV as part of Jamie Oliver’s School Dinners series.

Do MI5 and MI6 torture children?

MI5 and MI6 are said to have been involved in organising child abuse at the Kincora and Bryn Estyn children's homes in the UK. 

Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The troubles: Google Books Result

Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop. (

Sir Jimmy Savile, suspected of being a spy, near the Kincora home.

Michael Adebolajo was born into a wealthy Christian family.

Samantha Lewthwaite is the daughter of a soldier.

Many of the children who are mind-controlled are the children of military families.
Samantha Lewthwaite

On 3rd March 2012, the Daily Mail told us about Samantha Lewthwaite from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in the UK.

http://www.dailymail. girl terrorist working for the spooks

Samantha is linked to the London Tube Bombings of 2005, and, to terror in Mombassa in Kenya.

Her father was a soldier in the UK military.

Her parents separated when she was 11.

There is a suspicion that Samantha works for military intelligence (MI5 or MI6).

She may have been brainwashed.

As a teenager, she wore make-up and dresses, and went to parties with her friends; she allegedly converted to Islam.
Samantha and Germaine Lindsay

While studying for a 
degree in religion and politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London she met Jamaican-born Germaine Lindsay, a fellow Moslem convert.

Germaine Maurice Lindsay had links to drugs crime.

There is a suspicion that he was protected by the police and the
security services.

The police failed to follow up an armed incident at a flat involving a 
car used by Lindsay. (7/7 inquests: police failed.)

‎Lindsay had a conviction for importing drugs.

CCTV of the car could not be used "because it was obscured by a Bedfordshire police poster."

The investigating officer went on holiday and then went on a residential 
training course.

Eventually Lindsay's car was found at Luton railway station as part of the investigation into the July 7 bombings.

Allegedly, Germaine Lindsay was one of the 2005 London Tube Bombers and died at King's Cross in London.

After the 7 July bombings, Samantha was placed by the authorities in a ‘safe house’.

In Woolwich:

"I asked the on-site police officer in our school:

"I bet your briefing this morning at the station was an intense one.

"Officer: I was expecting exactly that, but it was just too odd. I asked why there's no briefing, believing we'd be told which streets to be in and what to look out for, but no. Nothing. It was as if it hadn't happened.

"'In fact, the skipper said 'it didn't happen.'

"He told me he didn't recognise any of the officers on his own patch at the scene either nor any of the members of the public, despite always seeing the same people."
Woolwich ‘Terror Attack’ – SE London, 22.5.13 •…

London Beheading Hoax Confirmed?

Anonymous writes:

"I know the busker who watched it all.

"He said they put chalk marks on the ground where the actors, sorry terrorists,  involved had to stand.

"He said it was so obviously fake; the police threatened to beat him up unless he moved and kept his mouth shut."

Lee and Rebecca, who have split.

Lee Rigby, allegedly killed in the Woolwich incident in London, has a girlfriend who has been serving in Afghanistan.

Lee Rigby has a two-year-old son, Jack, but Lee has split from the boy's mother Rebecca, 30.

On 22 May 2013, Lee Rigby is allegedly killed in Woolwich in London.

On 22 May 2013, Lee Rigby's battalion is training in Cyprus.

Woolwich: Lee Rigby Named As Soldier Victim - Sky News

Michael Adebolajo

Michael Adebolajo, 28, is the man videoed by witnesses with his hands coloured red.

"Virtually all the friends on his Facebook page have traditional British names such as Louise, Kelly, Robert, Craig, Gemma, Lauren and Paul, to name a few. Among them is Matthew Selt, now a professional snooker player."

'He was a Christian. A nice, normal guy. All his friends were white and used to go round to each other's houses all the time,' a former friend said.

Six years ago Adebolajo was arrested after being involved in protests outside the court known as the Old Bailey.

Did the security services subject Michael Adebolajo to mind control while he was in prison?

Michael Adebowale

Michael Adebowale is the other attacker.

"The 2nd attacker is shown wearing the beige/brown jacket talking to Ingrid Loyau-Kennett but minutes later is on the ground apparently wearing a black jacket. How does that work?

"The 'pool of blood' does not trail over to where the body was left in the road. Tap is saying the blood on the ground by the car only appeared after the body was moved."
Carol A. Valentine

Above: Ingrid Loyau-Kennett talks to one alleged murderer (left). 

Gemini Donnelly-Martin, 20, and her mother Amanda, talk to the second alleged murderer (right)

The attackers seem to be mind controlled - to not harm women (no male is allowed near the body only women).

Loyau-Kennett who talked to the murderer face to face was far too confident that he would not harm a woman. 

She looks to me to be security service...

Kal Dani

Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, from Helston in Cornwall, had been visiting London to see her children, Basil and Pawony Baradaran, when the drama unfolded.Helston woman confronts machete w

Strangely, no sign of blood 

Adebolajo home.

The alleged killer comes from a wealthy Christian family.

"Louise, 26, from Romford, knew Michael Adebolajo and his brother from Marshalls Park school.

"She described him as clever... and 'such a nice person; everyone got along with him...

"'Everyone knew him. He was funny, hilarious. He was a down to earth, nice guy, there was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing you would have thought obviously this would have happened.'

"She said that Adebolajo's mother was strict and a regular churchgoer."
London attack: Police make two further arrests after Woolwich killing

No blood on his jacket.
The two 'terrorists' in Woolwich, on 22 May 2013, were known to Britain’s security services before the attack.

The MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies had collected data on the suspected attackers before the incident.

In other words the 'terrorists' were being used by the security services.

The terror event in Woolwich in London may seem a little fishy?

One of the alleged 'Moslem terrorists' can be heard saying:

"You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns; you think politicians are going to die?

"It's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children...."

It may seem strange that the 'terrorists' never seem to attack the top people.

This 'spook' is seen here apparently rehearsing his lines. 
So, those who gain from the latest incident are:

1. Israel, which wants to paint Moslems as the enemy.

2. David Cameron, who can now 'do a Thatcher' and appear to stand up for Britain.

3. The military, which gains in sympathy.

You can tell a lot from photos


"The political statements made by the suspect ... will provide the state and the media all the cannon fodder it needs to link anti-government rhetoric with violent terrorism." 
London “Terror Attack” Blamed on Anti-Government Sentiment"Lord Carlile, a former independent (he's a Jew) reviewer of terror laws, has said the killing should cause the Government to rethink the decision to drop the planned Communications Data Bill from the Queen's Speech, which would have extended email and internet monitoring to the security services."The Telegraph

~~Lord McAlpine Wins Twitter Libel Case Against Sally Bercow. Of course he won - did anyone expect anything else? What a load of absolute bollocks this is.
2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokar Tsarnaev's Arrest "FALL" Out of Helicopter and Die

Man shot to death while questioned in Boston probe

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