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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta UK. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

"EE.UU. y la UE están detrás de los disturbios en Ucrania"

Fuente: RT
Detrás de las protestas reanudadas en Ucrania están los esfuerzos de EE.UU. y la Unión Europea para derrocar el Gobierno democráticamente elegido de Víktor Yanukovich, cree el editor jefe de la revista británica 'Politics First', Marcus Papadopoulos.
Según el periodista, quien recalcó, en un comentario citado por la agencia Itar-Tass, que expresa su opinión personal, Occidente aplica estos esfuerzos "mediante la organización y la instigación de los partidos opositores".

Entre los fines de Washington y Bruselas, Papadopoulos destacó como objetivo geoestratégico "imponer un Gobierno prooccidental y antirruso que tienda a la membresía en 
la UE y la OTAN, similar al gabinete del expresidente de Georgia, Mijaíl Saakashvili".

"La soberanía de Ucrania como país independiente fue descartada y pisoteada por los funcionarios de la UE junto con algunos políticos estadounidenses, alemanes y polacos, como el senador de EE.UU. John McCain, que 
viajaron a Kiev e inspiraron las protestas de la oposición", considera el experto británico. 
El senador de EE.UU. John McCain en las barricadas de Maidán.
Papadopoulos se pregunta, ¿cómo reaccionaría un estadista británico, si, por ejemplo, un político polaco llegara a Londres y se uniera a los manifestantes que exigen un nuevo Gobierno para el Reino Unido? Su respuesta es categórica: "Sería una situación completamente inaceptable".
El ex primer ministro polaco, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, al lado del líder de uno de los partidos opositores de Ucrania, Vitali Klichkó.
En 2010 el presidente Yanukovich fue democráticamente elegido y la UE reconoció la elección, recuerda. "Por lo tanto, el señor Yanukovich tiene la potestad para elegir la vía que considere más adecuada para los intereses de Ucrania, ya sea con la Unión Aduanera de Rusia, Kazajistán y Bielorrusia o con la UE. Así funciona la democracia", afirma el experto.

Los enfrentamientos entre los manifestantes partidarios de la integración europea y las fuerzas del orden púbico se reanudaron y alcanzaron una intensidad inaudita el pasado domingo después de la llamada 'asamblea popular' convocada por los diputados opositores al Gobierno legítimo. Los choques se han cobrado ya al menos dos víctimas mortales en las calles de Kiev.

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Evil Empire, Pérfida Albión


Fuente: Aangirfan
[Nonius451: Mientras esto ocurre, la Cámara de los Lores británica celebra una sesión para abordar la problemática de la Memoria Histórica en España. Es el colmo del cinismo. Habitual para la Pérfida Albión. Y habitual que en España no veamos el engaño, e incluso algunos interioricen y hagan suya la versión del Imperio cuando nos ataca. Deleznable el papel del diario Público, y otros]

Wall and Blair.

General Sir Peter Wall, the head of the British Army, could be prosecuted for war crimes.
Dossier on 'abuse' by UK forces in Iraq goes to ICC The Independent
A 250-page dossier names Sir Peter Wall and gives details of beatings, electrocution, mock executions and sexual assault.
The dossier has been presented to the International Criminal Court.

The former UK Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon and the former UK Defence Minister Adam Ingram are also named in the report.

Iraq torture.
The dossier is the result of several years' work by Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) and the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).
In 2006, the International Criminal Court stated, in connection with the UK military, that: "There was a reasonable basis to believe that crimes within the jurisdiction of the court had been committed, namely willful killing and inhuman treatment."

Innocent man tortured to death by the UK military.

The new dossier given to the ICC presents evidence of the "systematic use of brutal violence, that at times resulted in the death of detainees, while in the custody of UK Services Personnel". 

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

British Empire, Evil Empire

Escándalo en el Reino Unido: ¿Financió el Gobierno a pedófilos en los 70?

El Ministerio del Interior del Reino Unido ha ordenado una investigación sobre las impactantes denuncias de que el Gobierno financió a una organización pedófila en los años 70.
Los funcionarios públicos están investigando miles de archivos de hace décadas para buscar evidencias de que en los años 70 el Ministerio del Interior financió a la organización Intercambio de Información de Pedofilia (PIE, según sus siglas en inglés), que hizo una campaña que abiertamente abogaba por legalizar el sexo infantil.
La información extraordinaria proviene del secretario permanente Mark Sedwill tras las afirmaciones de una "fuente privilegiada" de que la Unidad de Servicios Voluntarios (SCV), que dio subvenciones anuales por un total de miles de libras a las obras de caridad, había prestado asistencia financiera a la red de abusadores.
El diputado laborista Tom Watson confesó que un empleado del Ministerio del Interior retirado le dijo que había expresado su preocupación en la década de los 70 sobre la financiación, pero fue advertido para que abandonara el asunto.

"Estamos levantando la tapa de un período tenebroso en la historia política. Se siente como si nos estuviéramos acercando a obtener las respuestas que muchas personas han estado buscando durante mucho tiempo. La gente va a sorprenderse si probamos que el Gobierno financiaba al PIE", dijo Watson a '
The Daily Mail'.
Un portavoz del Ministerio del Interior confirmó que "somos conscientes de las acusaciones y se ha encargado al secretario permanente que haga una investigación completa e independiente".

Se espera que la investigación finalmente descubra la verdad sobre los vínculos entre los 
pedófilos y el Estado después de 40 años de reivindicaciones de que había encubrimiento.
El PIE se formó a principios de los los 70 y abiertamente llamó a reducir la edad de consentimiento sexual hasta los cuatro años, a pesar de la indignación pública. En 1976 la activista María Whitehouse acusó a una organización de caridad gay que recibió subvenciones del Gobierno de ayudar a financiar el PIE, pero esto fue desmentido en su momento.

Fuente: RT

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Imperio Británico, The Evil Empire

Mbeki: 'Blair nos ofreció derrocar militarmente a Mugabe'

El ex primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, junto al ex presidente... El ex primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, junto al ex presidente sudafricano, Thabo Mbeki, en el año 2007. Reuters
El ex presidente sudafricano, Thabo Mbeki, afirmó ayer en una entrevista en la cadena de televisón Al Jazeera, que el ex primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, "propuso una intervención militar para derrocar a Zimbabue". Las sorprendentes declaraciones de Mbeki, que ayer mismo Blair negó rotundamente, confirmarían la repetida denuncia del presidente de Zimbabue, Robert Mugabe, de que el Reino Unido pretendía asesinarle.

Según la versión de Mbeki, en el año 2000, en plena crisis económica y social en Zimbabue, con el plan Mugabe de redistribución de tierras en marcha, "Blair presionó para que hubiera un cambio de régimen. Mucha gente decía en las reuniones que había muchos problemas y afirmaban que Mugabe debía irse como única solución". Luego, Mbeki recordó en Al Jazeera las palabras en una entrevista de Lord Guthire, Jefe del Estado mayor de Defensa británico, quien dijo entonces que "todo el mundo le miraba para ver que íbamos a hacer para derrocar a Mugabe" y las de "un jefe retirado de las fuerzas armadas británicas que reconoció que Blair le pedía un plan militar para derrocar a Mugabe".

Sin embargo, Sudáfrica rechazó esa opción desde el principio. "¿Por qué deben ser los británicos los que decidan quién dirige al pueblo de Zimbabue? Deben ser ellos, los zimbabuenses. Debemos sentarnos a hablar", explicó Mbeki que se le contestó al Gobierno británico. "Nosotros entendíamos que Mugabe debía ser parte de la solución".

Por su parte, ante el revuelo creado, Blair ha negado la revelación de su colega sudafricano. "Claro que prefería un Zimbabue sin Mugabe, pero nunca ofrecí una intervención militar", ha especificado.

Las palabras de Mbeki vienen a corroborar el principal argumento de la arrinconada política exterior de Zimbabue que lleva 14 años acusando a Reino Unido principalmente de sucesivos planes para acabar con el presidente Mugabe e instaurar un nuevo régimen. "Sé que hay comandos de la muerte enviados por los británicos para asesinarme", decía durante los años 2000 y 2001 Mugabe.
Fuente: ElMundo

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Gran Bretaña, estado policial (1)

Undercover soldiers 'killed unarmed civilians in Belfast'

Fuente: BBC

Soldiers from an undercover unit used by the British army in Northern Ireland killed unarmed civilians, former members have told BBC One's Panorama.
Speaking publicly for the first time, the ex-members of the Military Reaction Force (MRF), which was disbanded in 1973, said they had been tasked with "hunting down" IRA members in Belfast. The former soldiers said they believed the unit had saved many lives.The Ministry of Defence said it had referred the disclosures to police.

The details have emerged a day after Northern Ireland's attorney general, John Larkin, suggested ending any prosecutions over Troubles-related killings that took place before the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
Unnamed soldiers interviewed by Panorama

The soldiers appeared on Panorama on condition their identities were disguised The proposal has been criticised by groups representing relatives of victims. Panorama has been told the MRF consisted of about 40 men handpicked from across the British army.

Before it was disbanded 40 years ago, after 18 months, plain-clothes soldiers carried out round-the-clock patrols of west Belfast - the heartland of the IRA - in unmarked cars.

Three former members of the unit, who agreed to be interviewed on condition their identities were disguised, said they had posed as Belfast City Council road sweepers, dustmen and even "meths drinkers", carrying out surveillance from street gutters.

But surveillance was just one part of their work. One of the soldiers said they had also fired on suspected IRA members. He described their mission as "to draw out the IRA and to minimise their activities... if they needed shooting, they'd be shot".
For 15 years, Northern Ireland has been divided about how to deal with the legacy of three decades of conflict. The compromise has been the establishment of the Historical Enquiries Team, a group of former detectives, who are reviewing all deaths in Northern Ireland during the conflict, primarily to answer questions from their relatives.
But now the Northern Ireland attorney general has reignited the vexed issue of whether truth recovery through a virtual amnesty is preferable to prosecution.
John Larkin has called for an end to all prosecutions and inquiries in relation to Troubles-related killings. The disclosures by Panorama are bound to add to this debate.

The closest former MRF soldiers have previously come to breaking cover is as the pseudonymous authors of two semi-fictionalised paperbacks, one of whom has referred to the MRF as a "legalised death squad".
The factual account of the MRF may not be quite as colourful. Nonetheless, the evidence gleaned from seven former members, declassified files and witnesses, does point to a central truth - that MRF tactics did sometimes mirror the IRA's.


'Targets taken down'
Another former member of the unit said: "We never wore uniform - very few people knew what rank anyone was anyway. "We were hunting down hardcore baby-killers, terrorists, people that would kill you without even thinking about it."

A third former MRF soldier said: "If you had a player who was a well-known shooter who carried out quite a lot of assassinations... then he had to be taken out. "[They were] killers themselves, and they had no mercy for anybody."

In 1972 there were more than 10,600 shootings in Northern Ireland. It is not possible to say how many the unit was involved in. The MRF's operational records have been destroyed and its former members refused to incriminate themselves or their comrades in specific incidents when interviewed by Panorama.


But they admitted shooting and killing unarmed civilians. When asked if on occasion the MRF would make an assumption that someone had a weapon, even if they could not see one, one of the former soldiers replied "occasionally".

"We didn't go around town blasting, shooting all over the place like you see on the TV, we were going down there and finding, looking for our targets, finding them and taking them down," he said.

Patrick and Patricia McVeigh

Patricia McVeigh says her father Patrick was shot in the back as he stopped to talk to men at a checkpoint  "We may not have seen a weapon, but there more than likely would have been weapons there in a vigilante patrol."

Panorama has identified 10 unarmed civilians shot, according to witnesses, by the MRF:
  • Brothers John and Gerry Conway, on the way to their fruit stall in Belfast city centre on 15 April 1972
  • Aiden McAloon and Eugene Devlin, in a taxi taking them home from a disco on 12 May 1972
  • Joe Smith, Hugh Kenny, Patrick Murray and Tommy Shaw, on Glen Road on 22 June 1972
  • Daniel Rooney and Brendan Brennan, on the Falls Road on 27 September 1972

Patricia McVeigh told the BBC she believed her father, Patrick McVeigh, had been shot in the back and killed by plain clothes soldiers on 12 May 1972 and said she wanted justice for him. "He was an innocent man, he had every right to be on the street walking home. He didn't deserve to die like this," she said.

Her solicitor Padraig O'Muirigh said he was considering civil action against the Ministry of Defence in light of Panorama's revelations. The MoD refused to say whether soldiers involved in specific shootings had been members of the MRF.

 'Pretty gruesome'
It said it had referred allegations that MRF soldiers shot unarmed men to police in Northern Ireland. But the members of the MRF who Panorama interviewed said their actions had ultimately helped bring about the IRA's decision to lay down arms.

Gen Sir Mike Jackson, the former head of the British army, and a young paratrooper captain in 1972, said he had known little of the unit's activities at the time, but admired the bravery of soldiers involved in undercover work. He said: "That takes a lot of courage and it's a cold courage. It's not the courage of hot blood [used by] soldiers in a firefight. "You know if you are discovered, a pretty gruesome fate may well await you - torture followed by murder."


The aftermath of an IRA bomb in Belfast in 1972
The IRA planted nearly 1,800 bombs - an average of five a day - in 1972 

Col Richard Kemp, who carried out 10 tours of Northern Ireland between 1979 and 2001, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme charges could be brought if there was new evidence unarmed civilians had been killed. But he added: "Soldiers often speak with bravado and I wonder how many of those soldiers are saying that they themselves shot and killed unarmed civilians."

Panorama has learnt a Ministry of Defence review concluded the MRF had "no provision for detailed command and control". Forty years later and families and victims are still looking for answers as to who carried out shootings.

Former detectives are reviewing all of the deaths in Northern Ireland during the conflict as part of the Historical Enquiries Team set up following the peace process. 

Around 11% of the 3,260 deaths being reviewed were the responsibility of the state.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Estados Unidos secuestra uno de sus ex agentes en Libia

Fuente: Voltairenet 
El presidente Barack Obama ordenó el secuestro de Nazih Abd al-Hamid al Ruqhay, más conocido como Abu Anas al-Libi. Un comando Delta Force logró secuestrarlo, sin dejar víctimas, el 6 de octubre de 2013 en Trípoli, la capital libia, en lo que constituye una violación flagrante del derecho internacional y de la soberanía de Libia.
Después de unirse a Osama ben Laden en Sudán, el yihadista Abu Anas al-Libi participó en 1995 en un intento abortado de asesinato contra el presidente egipcio Hosni Mubarak. Posteriormente se refugió en Doha, la capital de Qatar.
En 1996, los servicios secretos británicos –tanto el MI5 como el MI6– financian un grupo de al-Qaeda para que asesinara al líder libio Muammar el-Kadhafi. Anas al-Libi hace de intermediario en la transacción obteniendo así asilo político en el Reino Unido y se instala en Manchester hasta el año 2000, cuando es condenado en ausencia por un tribunal estadounidense.
En 2000, Anas al-Libi fue acusado ante un tribunal del distrito sur de Nueva York de haber realizado en 1993 las fotos que sirvieron para planificae los atentados cometidos 5 años después contra las embajadas de Estados Unidos en Dar es-Salam y Nairobi (7 de agosto de 1998, 214 muertos entre los que se encontraban 12 estadounidenses y más de 5 000 heridos no estadounidenses). En octubre de 2001, al-Libi es incorporado a la lista de sospechosos más buscados del FBI con una recompensa de 5 millones de dólares por su captura.
Diversas fuentes aseguran que al-Libi estuvo detenido en Irán de 2003 a 2010, año de su regreso a Libia. Pero el 6 de junio de 2007 Amnesty International denuncia que al-Libi está en realidad detenido en una cárcel secreta de la CIA [1].
En diciembre de 2010, el representante de Libia ante la ONU indica que al-Libi y su familia están de regreso en su país como resultado de una paz negociada por Saif al-Islam Kadhafi bajo control de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, junto a otros miembros de al-Qaeda y bajo el mando de Abdelhakim Belhaj [2], al-Libi participa –a partir de febrero de 2011, o sea sólo 3 meses después– en las operaciones de la OTAN contra Libia que conducen al derrocamiento de la Yamahiria y al linchamiento de Muammar el-Kadhafi. En represalia, los nacionalistas asesinan a uno de los hijos de al-Libi en octubre de 2011.
Después de ser secuestrado en Trípoli por el Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos, el 6 de octubre de 2013, Abu Anas al-Libi fue trasladado al navío estadounidense USS San Antonio, actualmente en el Mediterráneo, y supuestamente será entregado a la justicia de Estados Unidos.
El USS San Antonio es un navío de desembarco, transformado por la US Navy en cárcel secreta de la CIA, donde los detenidos son torturados conforme a un programa basado en las técnicas del Dr. Martin Seligman [3] cuyo objetivo no es la obtención de información sino el acondicionamiento de las víctimas.
Oficialmente, el presidente Barack Obama había ordenado el cierre de las cárceles secretas de la CIA y había prohibido además el uso de la tortura.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Eliminado. Otro más

Special forces sniper who claimed SAS assassinated Diana ‘has fled Britain’

The SAS soldier who made astonishing claims Princess Diana was murdered by special forces has apparently fled Britain just days before he is set to be questioned by pólice.

Special forces sniper who claimed SAS assassinated Diana has fled Britain 230913diana
Image: Princess Diana’s crashed Mercedes.
The former sniper, known only as soldier N, is said to have left the country as Scotland Yard launches a new investigation into the Princess’ death.

He allegedly told his wife that a member of an elite unit shone a light in her chauffeur’s face causing him to crash in August 1997.

The wife claimed her husband had told her the ‘hit’ had been instructed by someone in the  royal inner circle because they did not approve of Diana’s relationship with Fayed.
Soldier N was due to meet Scotland Yard’s DCI Philip Easton but is understood to have left the country on Monday or Tuesday.

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Wolrd Wide Gladio

Fuente: aangirfan

On 21 September 2013, an upscale mall (photo above) became a war zone in Kenya.

This mall attack is partly about oil, oil pipelines, naval bases and the US struggle against China.

Samantha Lewthwaite is linked to the London Tube Bombings of 2005, and to a bombing campaign against tourist hotels in KenyaHer father was a soldier in the UK military. SAMANTHA OF MI6?

Mossad, the CIA and MI6 are heavily involved in Kenya.

Kenya has become friendly with China.

A few years ago, the Chinese defence minister agreed to modernise Kenya's armed forces.
The sound of silence)

China's trade with Kenya has been rising.

The leaders of Kenya's Mau Mau, who fought the British, were given military training in Israel. Kenya has many Israeli businessmen and a Mossad presence. In 1998, the US embassy in Nairobi was bombed. WSWS wondered about links to Mossad  (Questions mount in Kenya / Israel and Africa) :

In Kenya, the Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi.

The sound of silence)

Kenya is the base for US intelligence operations in East Africa and the Horn of Africa.

Kenya: post-election violence continues)
Michael Adebolajo released from Kenya, with the help of MI5? The London Woolwich 'terrorist' Michael Adebolajo is thought to have been working for MI5-MI6 for many years. When the pólice in Kenya arrested Michael in 2010, MI5-MI6 are said to have organised his release. Michael Adebolajo was arrested in ... / ADEBOLAJO WAS PAID BY MI6'

There are newly discovered oil reserves in Eastern Congo. The oil is to be brought by pipeline through Kenya to Mombasa on the coast.

China is currently involved in major highway projects in Kenya."
Kenya: post-election violence continues


Two Canadians among deadCurrently, a Briton called Jermaine Grant is about to go on trial in Kenya, charged with organising a bombing campaign.
The Somalian terrorist group al-Shabaab, which has links to the CIA's Al-Qaeda, has now claimed responsibility for the 21 September 2013 Westlands shopping mall attack in Nairobi, in Kenya.

Al Shabaab, reportedly working for the CIA.

Somalia has oil and both China
and the USA/NATO want to grab this oil.

Kenya is interested in the oil. Kenya has troops in Somalia


Al Shabaab

In the Westlands shopping mall, there are at least 50 people dead and more than 150 injured.

The "terrorists" stormed the Westgate Mall and sprayed shoppers with bullets. 

This is similar to the CIA's attacks in Belgium, India...

Kenya - acting scared

In Belgium, in the mid-80s, hooded gunmen walked into crowded supermarkets and began firing at shoppers.

The massacres were later discovered to be linked to Operation Gladio, which was a CIA-NATO enterprise.

"The Supermarket massacres occurred during the period when the U.S. was pushing a plan to base the Euro-Missiles (nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles) in different European countries...
"The Belgian Parliament, which investigated the incidents, felt that they were another attempt to sow confusion and fear among the populace, thereby generating public outcries for a law-and-order government which would be amenable to the Euro-Missles." 

Kenya mall September 2013

In India, the Mumbai Attacks of 2008 involved 'white men' who may have been 'mercenaries' employed by the CIA.

Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men'

The Mumbai attacks were planned by the American called David Headley, who worked for the USA's Drugs Enforcement Administration.

Headley admitted working for the CIA.

The Kenyan shopping mall. The operatives in the CIA's Operation Gladio were told they "had to attack civilians, the people, women, children..."

The people who attacked the Kenyan shopping mall are described as follows:
"The attacker they arrested was a Kenyan Muslim convert."

"They spoke something that seemed like Arabic..."

"One had dreadlocks."

Read more:

In 2002, it was reported that 'al Qaeda' had bombed the Israeli Paradise Hotel (above) at Kikambala Beach near Mombasa. 
13 Kenyans died. 
It looked like an Israeli false flag operation.
Before bombings...  / Kenyan hotel bombs the work of the security services?

Tyler Hicks/The New York Times
COMMENTS from readers:

1. The photographer Tyler Hicks always seems to be there to capture the moment.
Witness to a Massacre in a Nairobi Mall

That means psyop.

What is the chance that this top notch photographer would be in the mall to "record the event"

Tyler Hicks, who always somehow seems to be at the hottest of hot spots and war zones when things explode, did it again today, improbably being inside the mall in Nairobi when the bomb went off.

Nairobi mall.

2. "We knew the shopping center is owned by Israelis and renowned as a place where many Israelis hang out," Lopez told Maariv. 

"Four of the restaurants there are also owned by Israelis and many Israelis are employed in the place."

Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to Kenya Yaki Lopez and the embassy’s security officer arrived early in the afternoon Saturday at the command center of the
local security forces, following the first reports about the attack.

3. Can this destabilization be linked to the recent discovery of a huge underground water reserve?

BBC News - Kenya aquifers discovered in dry Turkana región

4. Also the killings of Brit Ex-pats linked to the goings on around the election because Kenyatta won.

Lots of bad blood there with the UK establishment.

Frank Lowy
5. shirlz007 comments:

A WESTFIELD SHOPPING CENTRE - Owned by none other than Frank Lowy!

'these global shopping centres you own seem to attract a suspiciously unusual amount of terrorist activity Frank!'
Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's Westfield America secured a 99-year lease on World Trade Center Buildings One, Two, Four and Five. Silverstein already owned Building Seven.

and Westfield America insured the WTC complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling thepayout.

-11 September 2001: New York, the WTC complex buildings 1, 2, and 7 along with Westfield Hotel were ruined in the 9/11 attacks, and consequently about $5.4 billion went into the pockets of Lowy and Silverstein.

-21 September 2005: Westfield Mall in Perth, Australia, bomb threat.

Frank Lowy reportedly owns Marriott hotels

-17 May 2006: Westfield in Woden, Australia, bomb threat.

-21 July 2007: Court house adjacent Westfield Centre Derby, England, bomb threat, which caused evacuation of Westfield premises.

-01 March 2008: Westfield Old Orchard Mall, Skokie, Illinois, bomb threat.

-20 April 2009: Westfield Hotel Annapolis, bomb threat.

-20 September 2008: Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, bombing.

-17 July 2008: Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, bombing.

-August 2012: London... wait, that one didn't quite happen for ya did it Frank!)

In 2011, Kenya's Raila Odinga and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu promised to strengthen security ties. Odinga was defeated in the 2013 presidential election in Kenya.

6. "Israeli agents" were involved "in the siege"...
"The Israelis have just entered"... a Kenyan security source told AFP....

"Kenyan Vice President William Ruto has asked the International Criminal Court to delay his trial for crimes against humanity over deadly 2007-08 post election violence because of the mall standoff, his lawyer said...

"Foreign security agents - from Israel as well as the United States and Britain - were also seen at the complex throughout the drama...

Israeli forces in Kenya battle in mall.

 Somalia. The war is about oil and naval bases... 
7. Here are the addresses of the Israeli and US embassies to Kenya.

You can politely ask the representatives of these nations what they know about the terrorist attack.
Israeli Embassy:
Bishop Road (near the intersection with Second Ngong Avenue).

US Embassy:
United Nations Avenue

Both are just a short walk from Westgate Mall on Mwanzi Road.

Or ask the embassy staff at their places of residences. No doubt Russian and Chinese diplomatic staff know their locations. The wealthy expats areas are small and close-knit. And probably not very well guarded either...

Ask them if they've ever heard of the NATO "Strategy of Tension". Or read the legal transcripts in the aftermath of the Bologna train station bombing.

Also ask their opinions on Chinese oil exploration in Somalia, and recent foreign partitioning of Somalia into controllable fragments such as Jubaland

An action which benefits both Kenya and Ethiopia. Oh, and Western geostrategy and oil interests.Northern Somalia would also be an excellent location for Chinese naval basing to protect China's economically critical sea lines of communication for oil transport. 

Unless Somalia were fragmented, weakened and run by CIA-backed warlords.

And maybe you can ask why the gunmen didn't take a leisurely stroll down to the Israeli and US embassies and unleash hell there, instead of killing innocent people.
Hmm, and why were those Israeli soldiers there? Can Kenyan special forces not handle a ragtag bunch of bloodthirsty amateurs?

And isn't it unusual how Al Shabab's Twitter updates are i
n fluent English.
8. "Ilana Stein, a spokeswoman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the attack took place near the ArtCaffe, an Israeli-owned coffee shop and bakery popular with foreigners that is one of 80 businesses in the mall. 

"Ms. Stein said that one Israeli had been lightly injured, that three others had escaped unharmed and that Israelis had not been specifically targeted." 

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Egipto cierra Canal de Suez a los destructores estadounidenses y británicos que se dirijan a Siria NO CONFIRMADO

Fuente: Voltairenet
Desgraciadamente no hemos visto esta noticia confirmada en otras fuentes 23:45, 29-08-2013

El ministro de Defensa y jefe del Ejército egipcio, el general Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, ha asegurado este miércoles que su país cerrará el Canal de Suez a los destructores estadounidenses y británicos que navegan rumbo a Siria.
Al-Sisi ha enfatizado en que su país no repetirá los errores de la guerra en Irak, resaltando el compromiso a cumplir con el acuerdo de defensa conjunta entre Egipto y Siria, por el que no permitirá que los buques de guerra atraviesen el Canal de Suez para llevar a cabo una injerencia bélica en el país árabe.
Asimismo, el jefe de la Diplomacia egipcia, Nabil Fahmi, expresó el martes su oposición a una ofensiva belicista en Siria y reclamó una solución política al conflicto.
Fahmi afirmó que una respuesta al supuesto uso de armas químicas en Siria debe consensuarse en los organismos internacionales, en especial, en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (CSNU).
La semana pasada, los terroristas, apoyados por países extranjeros, acusaron al Gobierno sirio de emplear armas químicas en los suburbios de Damasco, unas alegaciones que fueron rechazadas contundentemente por las autoridades sirias.
Los países occidentales, especialmente EE.UU., el Reino Unido y Francia, valiéndose de falsos alegatos, buscan ejecutar una ofensiva militar contra Siria.
Nonius451: Excelente noticia, que confirmaría que el General Sisi llevará una política similar a nuestro admiradísimo Nasser !!! 
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