martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Estado policial

Adivinar en menos de 3 segundos el nombre de un admiradísimo pais que se está convirtiendo rápidamente en un estado policial, comparable a la Alemania de los años 30, donde un ex marine padre de dos hijos recibe más de 70 disparos cuando los SWAT (algo así como los GEOS) entran en su casa por si acaso tiene algo que ver con tráfico de drogas, lo que no es cierto.

May 27, 2011 - An Arizona SWAT team unloaded seventy-one rounds of ammo in seven seconds on Jose Guerena, an ex-Marine who served two tours of Iraq. According to police, the Guerena residence was targeted in an investigation surrounding home invasions and drug rip-offs. Police says their house was among those "identified as locations where these activities were being carried out from." What hard evidence they have for this has not been disclosed. Originally police attested that Guerena fired a gun. Further investigations reveal that his rifle was locked in safety mode and that his single shot was actually just an initial misfire from a deputy's gun. They claim to have removed body armor from the home, but as the lawyer representing the Guerena estate says, there was nothing in the house warranting a raid, let alone opening fire.

o donde la policia expulsa a un periodista de CNN que está buscando un depósito (secreto?) de cadáveres en la zona devastada por los tornados... (¿Es publicidad negativa para el consumismo?¿o qué...?)

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